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Facebook photography groups – A few observations

Posted: July 17th, 2013 | Tags: | Posted in: General, Photography

Just before anyone gets their panties in a reef knot, this is not an attack on any photography group on Facebook… just some observations.

  1. Everyone and their mother’s brother seems to want to start one of these groups, completely disregarding the fact that there are probably (at least) 25,000 similar groups existing, covering the exact same topics.
  2. The existence of multiple groups covering the exact same topic allows people to cross-post their photos to every-single-fecking-group-in-their-list! They do this because they think their photos are reaching a larger audience, but in reality the audience they’re reaching is the same people doing the same as them – dead-end self promotion. They may get the odd “like” from someone they’ve never heard of before if they perpetually comment on their own photos saying “Thanks :)” to everyone who “likes” their photo, in trying to bump it back to the top.
  3. These groups seem to start with a set of stringent (and sometimes ridiculously strict) rules, made with the intention of keeping content relevant and on-topic… it rarely lasts. Before you know it someone will think it’s a good idea to change some of these rules to keep the masses happy, and that’s about the time it all falls apart. Before you know it you’ll have pictures of someone taking a photo of themselves in a pub toilet in your “Jaw-droppingly-amazing Scottish Landscapes” group.
  4. Invariably an argument will break out about one of the following: “This image is ‘Photoshopped’! [gasp]”, “HDR is the Devil, you must die” or my favourite: “This is a composite image – you tricked us!!! Die!!!”.
  5. Some photography groups actually have competitions where the best image of the week is selected to sit in the sweet spot of “Cover Image” for the entire month! Yep, this is what they spent thousands on camera gear to achieve – someone else using their image for free as their Facebook cover image – WTG! :D

With all that being said (sarcastically) there are some great Facebook groups for photographers. My favourite is the Photoshop & Lightroom Group.

They have some simple rules, and everyone adheres to them:

  • Show us your BEST work, No casual snapshots please!
  • Please Post only 3 Images/Photos Per Day! And post Before & Afters as 1 image.
  • Constructive Criticism is encouraged. But please don’t be Mean or Insensitive.
  • Everyone has to start somewhere & we should always be supportive!
  • If you Don’t want Criticism on your photo/images Please Say So when you post!
  • Please Do Not Self Promote! This is a Community focused group!
  • Post your OWN work – Not the work of others! If you post others work Please give them credit!
  • If you Spam this group, or post Ads/Images/Videos for unrelated products or topics you will be Removed & Banned immediately!
  • Posting tutorials, events, or news is encouraged (Please do Not repost what has Already been posted earlier)
  • Please Show us your BEST work! Thanks everyone!

Simple :) That’s why I like this group and that’s why I see myself staying there and continuing to contribute to it.